Thursday, January 12, 2012

My New Year's Resolutions

1. Watch one old black and white movie per month.
(maybe start with "The Shop Around the Corner" with Jimmy Stewart).

2. Read a book a week.
(I've quite easily accomplished this task for several years running).

3. Try to play disk frisbee at least once.
(before I finally get rid of the frisbees I bought for this).

4. Write in my blog once a week.
(Okay, not making a great start so far, but will strive to be better about this).

5. Get rid of one thing a day.
(pretty easy, but I don't think food and packaging should count).

6. Learn how to actually use my Nook color.
(I'm at least reading a guide book right now).

7. Take up a new hobby - tap dancing.
(I start on Saturday)

8. Restrict my intake of junk food - don't partake of food others bring in, can only have one small sweet (that isn't fruit or vegetable) that is less than 100 calories Sun - Thurs. after dinner. Try not to overdo it on the weekends. Okay, this is fairly detailed, but I am really bad when it comes to eating sweets. I suppose I should also limit my intake of white wine since that's probably a contributing factor as well.

9. Try to go to the gym at least twice a week and then exercise at home at least one other day. (I have paid my gym membership, so hope to start back next week - I already used my stationery bike yesterday).

10. Make at least one new recipe per month.
(to justify all the cookbooks, magazines and recipes I've hoarded over the years).

My favorite two resolutions of Gretchen's are:

Act the way I want to feel, and Lighten up.

I am also going to try and follow Gretchen's advice to tackle big projects by breaking them down into 15 minute increments. I think the first thing on the list will be a photo album I've been putting off creating for several years. I am debating how much effort to put into this or do what Gretchen did - just get it done. It may not be perfect, but it's finished. She's right. If you don't think you'll look at it that often, then how much work should go into it? For me it's more a matter of choosing what pictures (from the hundreds of digital I took, and then of the ones I photoshopped) to put into it that have been my biggest obstacle. Then it will be a matter of remembering what order to put things into.

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